A Hysterectomy is the surgical removal of part or all of the uterus. Reasons for having a hysterectomy depends on the patient and her particular needs. More common medical complications where a hysterectomy may be recommended include…
- Uterine Fibroids
- Pelvic Prolapse
- Chronic Pelvic Pain
- Cervical Abnormalities
- Endometrial Hyperplasia
- Excessive Uterine Bleeding
Realize that just because you may have one or more of these symptoms, a hysterectomy may not be the only answer for you. Depending on your situation, there may be an alternative course of treatment that may not require a hysterectomy and should be considered first. However, if a hysterectomy is recommended, the surgical process for this procedure has advanced over past years offering more choices to women that require less recovery time and reduced scaring. Vaginal Hysterectomy is the least invasive with no visible scars and according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) is the preferred surgical approach.
If you’re considering a treatment for the above mentioned conditions, call our office at 314-251-6753 and request an appointment with Dr. Veronikis to determine the best choice for your situation.