Cystocele Progression

What is a cystocele or “dropped bladder”?

Cystocele is an example of when the tissues between the bladder and vaginal wall weaken causing it to apply pressure on the front vaginal wall and in some cases, drop into the vagina.  Because of the overall effect on the bladder in this circumstance, this condition has also more commonly been referred to as "dropped bladder."  It is also referred to as an anterior prolapse as the front (or anterior) vaginal wall has collapsed allowing the bladder to bulge downward into the vagina.

What are common symptoms of a cystocele?

Because of the strain on the bladder more common symptoms relate to urinary troubles including loss of urinary control when coughing, laughing or sneezing (also known as stress incontinence), or a feeling that you haven't completely emptied your bladder after urinating.  You may also experience frequent bladder infections.  Because of the shift in the organs, you may also notice a feeling of pressure in your pelvis or vagina.  This can also be identified by a discomfort when your strain, cough, bear down, lift or have intercourse.  In more severe circumstances you may have a feeling of sitting on a ball or notice a bulge protruding from the vaginal opening.

Treatment for Cystocele

Treatment for Cystocele really depends on the severity of the condition.  More mild cases benefit from exercise that strengthens the muscle tissues. For women who have experienced menopause, estrogen therapy may be beneficial as it helps keep the pelvic muscles strong. Additional supports that inserted into the vagina can also be used.  

When surgery is required, it normally includes a reconstructive procedure that not only puts the bladder back in place, but it will also repair damage made to surrounding organs or tissue.

Are you ready to address your cystocele and get help to regain the quality of life you deserve? Contact our office today to set up a consultation so we can help determine the best treatment options for you!